“New Silk Road of the 21st Century – One Belt, One Road” Initiative: Challenges and Opportunities

“New Silk Road of the 21st Century – One Belt, One Road” Initiative: Challenges and Opportunities

The New Silk Road Initiative has become a globally discussed topic. It draws on the old Silk Road legacy and creates new opportunities for the modern world. The old Silk Road was an important agent in bringing together different nations, and their cultures. Simultaneously, the international trade bloomed. China and Europe consequently got on much closer terms. Today, the heritage and legacy of the Silk Road brings numerous long-term opportunities for cooperation, mutual informed awareness, development, and trade. The challenges and opportunities of “New Silk Road of the 21st Century – One Belt, One Road” will be the topics also of the CIF 2015.


The forum takes place on 9 – 11 November 2015 in the capital of the Czech Republic (CR) – the City of Prague. This Mater Urbium is to be the venue for top-level state and business representatives from Central and Eastern European countries and China.

The opening gala dinner will be held on 9 November under the auspices of Bohuslav Sobotka, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic.

After the ceremonial opening of CIF 2015 at the Prague Castle the very next day, four panel discussions shall follow. Members of the CR Government will be among the keynote speakers. The topics for the morning discussions are cooperation in the fields of finance, science, technology and research, whereas the afternoon will see discussions on trade, investments and economic cooperation or on the possible role of Prague as an CEEC – PRC air hub.

The day will be crowned with a gala dinner held under the auspices of Miloš Zeman, President of the Czech Republic.